Attempted Conversation


Attempted Conversation, extract, 2021

Plywood, black paint. Dimensions variable

Conversación, 2021

Conversation notes, black ink on paper

Attempted Conversation, 2021, is one of a series of works based on notes taken during conversations. Taking the notes as a starting point. I translate the dialogue into three dimensional space to crate a tangle of illegible words to navigate with the body. That what has not been said, the distance and the sensory relations with these words or elements become more important that the original message of the conversation. In each new presentation the words occupy a different place in the space and potentially, the initial conversation can be transformed into multiple various conversations.

Attempted Conversation, 2021es parte de una serie de trabajos basados en notas tomadas durante conversaciones. A partir de las notas, traduzco el dialogo al espacio tridimensional y creo una maraña de palabras ilegibles que navegamos con el cuerpo. Lo no dicho, las distancias y las relaciones sensoriales con estas palabras o elementos, son tan importantes como el significado inicial. En cada presentación, las palabras ocupan un lugar distinto en el espacio y potencialmente multiples conversaciones se generan a partir de la conversación inicial.



